Dover Marina is one of the best known marinas on the South Coast and is incredibly convenient for cross-Channel sailing, with just 20 miles separating the world renowned White Cliffs of Dover and France, making it easy sailing to the French marinas of Boulogne, Calais, Gravelines and Dunkerque, and the Belgium and Dutch coasts.
The excellent facilities and outstanding customer service has once again meant that this award winning marina has received its five gold anchor accreditation from The Yacht harbour Association (TYHA) maintaining the standard it has held for the last 10 years.
Contact Details:
Chris Windsor, Marina Manager,
Dover Marina, Crosswalk Quay, Union Street, Dover, Kent, CT17 9BN.
Tel: +44(0)1304 241 663
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: www.doverport.co.uk/marina
Offer to FOA Members:
1. 10% discount - visitor berthing for single vessel (on production of photograph/smart phone image of current FOA sticker)2. 25% discount - visitor berthing for flotila of 5 or more vessels (on production of photograph/smart phone image of current FOA sticker)
Your attention is drawn to our Terms & Conditions at the bottom of this page, particularly paragraph 10.