The Fisher Owners Association welcomes all of our members and sailing friends from around the world to this website

The FOA exists to give you help on the many aspects of Fisher ownership from buying (and even selling your Fisher), to understanding maintenance and boat handling issues unique to Fishers, and the opportunity to enjoy a varied events calendar.

The forum, archive and supplier discount scheme can help you make big savings, not only on your annual maintenance budget but also those bigger projects thereby justifying the cost of your annual membership fee (£30 full membership £20 Associate Membership) many times over. So please use this site and benefit from the knowledge it provides.

The FOA really is both a great sailing and social entity for those who enjoy the company of people who truly love and take great pride in owning the legendary classical Fisher Motor Sailer.

If you are not already a member then please consider joining and get the best from your Fisher and your time afloat.

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Fisher Motor Sailer History - the beginning

Sample of our Newsletter

The FOA Local Regional Organisation

Our regional Commodores facilitate the creation of the local programme of rallies and events which are suggested by the members and are therefore well supported. They can take us not only to local harbours but also across the Channel, North or Celtic Sea or maybe just a bit further around the UK coast than you would normally venture on your own. The choice is yours, it is your association.

Sailing in company can give great comfort to either the new or less experienced members especially e.g. if it is your first Channel, North or Celtic Sea crossing.

The FOA also has local onshore social events where members can meet and exchange their sailing news, recent sailing conquests, and of course those candid photographs - just when you thought you had got away with it!


The benefits of FOA membership include:

  • The Members Area including Library containing extensive technical data and articles on Fishers
  • Access to the forum enabling discussion on all matters relating to Fishers,.
  • Organised FOA Rallies
  • A newsletter 2/3 times a year (electronic)
  • Discounts from Marine Suppliers
  • Annual General Meeting & Dinner and speaker (all at reasonable cost)
  • Sailing in company
  • Free use of the 'Classified' section of the website to sell their boat (see Advertising Instructions)



2023 - FOA AGM & Laying-Up Dinner


  • FOA AGM & Laying-Up Dinner - RNLI College, Poole, Dorset

    Saturday 28th October 2023




    Saturday  28th October 2023


    RNLI College, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ



    1400hrs meeting start


    Commodore's Drinks




    1930hrs sit down 





    Hotel Rates

    Accommodation for Saturday 28th October 2023 is:

    1. £125 /room b&b

    2. £115/ room b&b for single occupancy


    Please call Reception on 01202 308500


    1. This is a significant reduction on their normal prices.

    2. There may be availability for Friday 27th October 2023 at the same rate - please ask Reception

    Note 1: Please see Merchandising section for meal payment details 

    Note 2: The menu selection form will be sent out via e-mail, together with the AGM Agenda, and needs to be returned as directed.

    Note 3: These documents will also available/visible in the FOA Annual General Meeting & Dinner section of the Library (see toolbar)  

    Note 4: Your attention is drawn to our FOA Terms & Conditions at the bottom of this page.



The Fisher Family


Fisher Owner Association Annual Rallies

Fisher Owners Association Rally 2010 - Cowes, IoW

NEW Fisher Motor Sailer Range
from Neil Marine